Sunday, November 4, 2001

Words that start with E

each eager ear early earn earnest earnings earth earthenware earthly eartquake ease easily easy easy-going eat eavesdrop ebb eccentric eccentricity echo eclipse economic economical economize economy ecstasy eddy edge edgy edible edifice edify edit edition educate educated education eerie efface effect effective effects effervescent efficiency efficient effigy effluent effort effortless effusive egg ego egocentric egoism eject elaborate elapse elastic elated elbow elder elderly elect election electric electrify elegance elegant element elementary elevate elevation elicit eligible eliminate elite elocution elongate eloquence eloquent elsewhere elucidate elude emaciated emanate emancipate emancipation embankment embargo embark embarrass embarrassed embarrassing embarrassment embedded embellish embezzle embitter embittered emblem embody embrace embroider embroil embryo emend emerge emergence emergency emigrate eminence eminent emission emit emolument emotion emotional empathize emphasis emphasize emphatic empire employ employed employee employer employment empower emptiness empty enable enact enamoured enchant enchanter enchanting encircle enclose encompass encounter encourage encouragement encouraging encroach encumber end endanger endeavour ending endless endorse endorsement endow endowment endurable endure enemy energetic energy enforce engage engaged engagement engine engineer engrave engross engrossed enhance enigma enjoin enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enlarge enlighten enlist enliven enmity enormity enormous enough enquire enrage enrich enrolment ensemble enshrine ensign ensue entail entangle enter enterprise enterprising entertain entertaining entertainment enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiastic entice entire entirely entitle entrance entrant entrepreneur entrust entry enumerate envelop envelope enviable envious environment environs envisage envoy envy epic epidemic epigram epilogue episode epistle epithet epitome epoch equable equal equality equalize equanimity equate equation equilibrium equip equipment equitable equivalence equivalent equivocal era eradicate erase erect erode erotic err errand errant erratic erroneous error erudite erudition erupt eruption escalate escapade escape escort especial especially espousal espouse essay essence essential establish establishment estate esteem estimate estimation estrange et cetera eternal ethical ethics etiquette evacuate evade evaluate evanescent evaporate evasion eve even evening event eventual eventually ever everlasting evermore every everyday evict evidence evident evidently evil evoke evolution evolve exact exactly exaggerate exaggeration exalt exalted examination examine example exasperate excavate exceed exceedingly excel excellent except exception exceptional excess excessive exchange excitable excite excited excitement exciting exclaim exclamation exclude exclusive exculpate excursion excuse execute execution executive exemplary exemplify exempt exercise exert exertion exhaust exhausted exhausting exhaustion exhibit exhibition exhilarate exhort exigency exile exist existence existent existing exit exodus exonerate exorbitant expand expanse expansion expansive expatriate expect expectation expedient expedite expedition expel expend expenditure expense expensive experience experienced experiment experimental expert expertise expire explain explanation explicate explicit explode exploit exploration explore explosion explosive expose exposed exposure expound express expression expulsion exquisite extend extension extensive extent exterior exterminate external extinct extinction extinguish extol extort extra extract extraordinary extravagance extravagant extreme extremely extremist extremity extricate exuberance exuberant exult eye eyesight eyesore eyewitness

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