Sunday, November 4, 2001

Words that start with S

sabotage sack sacred sacrifice sacrilege sad sadden sadistic safe safety sag sagacious sage sail sailor salary sale salesman sally saloon salute salvage salvation same sample sanctify sanction sanctuary sand sane sanitary sanity sap sapphire sarcasm sarcastic sardonic sash satchel satiate satire satisfaction satisfactory satisfy saturate saucy saunter savage save saving savings savour say saying scale scamp scamper scan scandal scant scanty scapegoat scar scarce scarcely scare scared scarf scarlet scatter scene scent schedule scheme schism scholarship school scientific scoff scold scold scoop scope scorch score scorn scoundrel scour scourge scout scowl scrap scrape scratch scream screech screen scribble script scrub scruple scrupulous scrutinize scrutiny scud scuffle scum sea seal seam sear search season seat seclude second secondary secret sect section sector secular secure security sedate sediment sedition seduce seductive sedulous see seed seek seem seep seer seethe segment segregate seize select selection self self-confident self-conscious self-control self-explanatory self-important sell semblance send senile senior sensation sensational sense sensible sensitive sensitive, touchy, volatile sensual sentence sentiment sentimental sentinel sentry separate sequel sequence serene series serious sermon servant serve service serviceable servile servitude session set setting settle settlement sever severe sew sexual shabby shackle shade shadow shaft shake shallow sham shamble shame shape share sharp shatter shave shawl shear sheath sheen sheer shell shelter shepherd shield shift shimmer shine shiny ship shirk shiver shoal shock shoddy shoe shoot shop shore short shortage shortcoming shortly shot shoulder shout shove show shower shred shrew shrewd shrill shrink shrivel shroud shudder shuffle shun shut shy sick side sieve sift sigh sight sign signal significance silence silent silhouette silly similar similarity simmer simple simplicity simplify simply simulate simulated simultaneous sin sincere sincerity sinful sing singe single singular sinister sink sinuous siphon siren sit site situation size skeleton skeptical sketch skilful skill skim skin skinny skip skirmish skirt slab slack slam slander slang slant slap slash slate slaughter slave slavish slay sleep sleeping slender slice slick slide slight slim slime sling slink slip slit slope sloppy slot slouch slough slovenly slow sludge slug sluggish slumber slump slur sly small smart smash smear smell smile smite smoke smooth smother smudge smug smut snack snag snake snap snare snarl snatch sneak sneer snivel snobbish snoop snout snub snug snuggle soak soar sob sober social society sock sodden sofa soft soggy soil sojourn solace solder soldier sole solemn solicit solid solidarity solitary solitude solution solve somber sometimes somewhat song sonorous soon sooner soot soothe sop sophisticated sordid sore sorrow sorry sort soul sound sour source souse souvenir sovereign sow space span spank spar spare spare spark sparkle sparse spasm spawn speak speaker spear special specialist specialty species specific specify specimen speck spectacle spectator speculate speech speechless speed spell spend spent sphere sphere, world spice spicy spike spill spin spiral spirit spiritual spit spite spiteful splash spleen splendid splice split spoil sponge sponsor spontaneous spook spool sporadic sport spot spouse spout sprawl spray spread spree sprightly spring sprinkle sprint sprout spruce spry spur spurious spurn spurt spy squab squabble squad squalid squander square squash squat squeak squeal squeamish squeeze squint squirm squirt stab stability stabilize stable stack staff stage stagger stagnant stain stair stairs stake stale stalk stall stalwart stamina stammer stamp stance stand standard standing star stare stark start startle starvation starve state statement static station stationary statue stature status statute staunch stay steady steal stealthy steam steel steep steer stem stench step sterile stern stew stick stiff stifle still stimulate stimulus sting stingy stink stint stipend stipulate stipulation stir stitch stock stodgy stolid stomach stone stoop stop store storm story stout stove stow straggle straight straightforward strain strait strand strange stranger strangle strap stratagem strategy stratum stray streak stream street strength strengthen strenuous stress stretch strict stricture stride strife strike striking string strip stripe strive stroke stroll strong structure struggle strut stubborn stubby stucco stud student studied studious study stuff stumble stump stun stunning stunt stupefy stupendous stupid stupor sturdy stutter style stylish stymie suave subdue subject sublime submarine submerge submission submit subordinate subsequent subservient subside substance substantial substitute subterfuge subtle subtract succeed success successful succession successive successor succulent succumb sudden suds sue suffer suffering suffice sufficient suffocate suggest suggestion suggestive suit suitable suitor sullen sultry sum summarize summary summit summon sumptuous sun sunder sundry sunless sunny sunrise super superb superficial superfluous superintend superior supernatural supervise supervision supervisor supper supplant supple supplement supplementary supply support supporter suppose supposition suppress supremacy supreme sure surface surfeit surge surly surmise surmount surpass surplus surpris surrender surreptitious surround survey survive susceptible suspect suspend suspicion suspicious sustain sustenance swab swagger swallow swamp swap swarm swarthy swat sway swear sweat sweep sweet sweetheart swell swelling sweltering swerve swift swim swindle swing swipe swirl swish switch swivel swollen swoop sword syllabus symbol symbolic symbolize symmetrical sympathetic sympathize sympathy symptom syndicate synopsis syntax synthetic system systematic

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